DR. LAJPATRAI MEHRAThe founder of Neurotherapy
It is said that God has his own special ways of getting things accomplished on earth; he chooses and blesses the most capable to become his messengers. It was the Divine will that Vedic Knowledge of health was transferred to Shri Lajpatrai Mehra, through a series of events/experiences, right from the tender age of 11.
Young Lajpatrai was all of 11, when he started experiencing excruciating stomach aches that could not be treated by any doctors or Vaids of the time. By providence, during one such painful episode, an old ‘Baba’ was visiting his village. He asked the young lad to lie on his stomach and through a certain routine of flexing and stretching the muscles of arms and legs he cured his pain almost instantaneously. He then explained this native technique as ‘setting of the navel’. (Ancient Indian texts refer to the navel as being the epicenter of the body. Disturbances in the position of the navel in relation to other parts of the abdomen, is the main cause for digestive disorders).
Unlike other children of his age, Lajpatrai did not allow the incident to pass by. Instead, he constantly meditated upon the miracle brought about in his body by the seemingly crude technique and longed to relieve others of similar pains. Helping others came naturally to Lajpatrai. He then started helping his family members, neighbours with their digestion issues. Soon the word spread and people from neighbouring areas started queuing up outside his house to receive the miraculous cure.
Initially his forays into the realm of the body’s innate prowess of healing were driven by an uncanny intuition. But then, Lajpatrai Mehra embarked on a mission. He took upon himself the onerous task of exploring and reviving this ancient wisdom.
He painstakingly studied and researched the modern medical books on human anatomy and physiology. He then combined modern science with the traditional Vedic techniques of healing. People who have been with him up and close, know that he had memorized Guyton’s book on human physiology and would often quote from it during his lectures.
Single-handedly, over a span of 70 years, he devised a series of formulae for treating specific body conditions – an unparalleled venture which is indeed a unique legacy for all mankind!
He has been able to treat medical conditions like Multiple sclerosis, Motor neuron disorder, which have been termed as incurable. He has improved the quality of life in children with cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, and mental retardation. Millions of people suffering from all kinds of illnesses have benefitted and continue to benefit from his therapy.
It is no exaggeration that people who have been associated with Dr. Mehra as his students, therapists, patients, benefactors consider him as the incarnation of Dhanvantri, the God of Health.