Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, is now recognized not only for its importance of bone health in children and adults, but also for other health benefits including reducing risk of chronic diseases including autoimmune diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.
Recent studies highlight the serious repercussions of insufficient sun exposure, linking it to increased mortality rates and a higher incidence of diseases such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, asthma, type 1 diabetes, and myopia.
Decreased exposure to sun has also been linked to reduced serotonin levels, potentially leading to major depression with a seasonal pattern. Sunlight plays a vital role in triggering the release of serotonin, making individuals more susceptible to this type of depression during the winter months when daylight hours are shorter.
How is vitamin D absorbed in the body?
While most essential vitamins can be obtained from food, sunlight remains the major source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin through a photosynthetic reaction triggered by exposure to UVB radiation. The efficiency of production depends on the number of UVB photons that penetrate the skin, a process that can be curtailed by clothing, excess body fat, sunscreen, and the skin pigment melanin. For most fair coloured people, a half-hour in the summer sun in a bathing suit can initiate the release of 50,000 IU (1.25 mg) vitamin D into the circulation within 24 hours of exposure; this same amount of exposure yields 20,000–30,000 IU in tanned individuals and 8,000–10,000 IU in dark-skinned people.
The initial photosynthesis produces vitamin D3, which undergoes additional transformations, primarily in the liver and kidneys, forming the hormone1,25(OH)D which is used by the body. This 1,25(OH)D accumulates in cell nuclei of the intestine, where it enhances calcium and phosphorus absorption, to support most metabolic functions, neuromuscular transmission, and bone mineralization.
Shift in sun exposure attitudes
Societal attitudes toward sun exposure have shifted dramatically; from sun worshippers to sun fearers, driven by concerns about skin cancer. Fear has been fuelled by the marketing of ultra-blocking sunscreens and sun-protective clothing, contributing to a more indoor-centric lifestyle. While excessive UV radiation is known to cause skin damage, the complex relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer is far more complex. Factors such as genetics and skin type play crucial roles; certain genes offer protection against skin cancer, while others increase susceptibility. Individuals with fair skin, prone to sunburn without tanning, are at higher risk. Furthermore, the intensity and timing of sun exposure also impact the risk, with sudden, intense exposure being riskier than gradual, steady exposure over time.
Understanding UV Rays
Energy from the sun reaches the earth as visible, infrared, and ultraviolet (UV) rays. Only UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays reach the earth’s surface. The earth’s atmosphere absorbs UVC wavelengths.
UVB rays carry a higher risk of skin cancer, while UVA rays contribute to aging and wrinkling. In most cases, ultraviolet rays react with melanin. This is the first defence against the sun. That’s because melanin absorbs the dangerous UV rays that can do serious skin damage. A sunburn develops when the amount of UV damage exceeds the protection that the skin’s melanin can provide. A suntan represents the skin’s response to injury from the sun. In light of these complexities, it is imperative that we find a middle ground to enable us to reap the numerous benefits of sunlight for our physical and mental well-being.
LMNT’s role in enhancing sunlight benefits
LMNT techniques offer a unique avenue to amplify the benefits of sunlight. By stimulating the liver and kidneys to produce the essential 1,25(OH)D hormone, LMNT contributes to improved bone health. Remarkable success has been observed in patients with conditions like osteopenia and arthritis, showcasing the potential for complete reversal of these conditions. Moreover, LMNT aids in strengthening the bone matrix and promoting collagen building, ultimately fortifying the skeletal and muscular system.
Embracing sunlight as a holistic health booster necessitates a balanced perspective. As we strive to protect ourselves from potential harm, it's essential to recognize and optimize the multifaceted benefits sunlight offers for our physical and mental well-being. LMNT emerges as a valuable complement, enhancing the positive impact of sunlight on our overall health.